- Amandine Tesson

Amandine Tesson founded DaringLaw in 2020 after more than ten years of experience in the corporate departments of Fidal (2009-2017) and Herald (formerly Granrut).
Amandine assists clients such as SMEs, research institutions and investment funds with all their structuring, governance, equity and external growth issues.
She has a proven track record in assisting companies with high technological and growth potential (start-up), particularly in the context of fund-raising, collaborative projects, external growth and management packages.
But also
Amandine Tesson is a lecturer in the Master 2 LEAD (Law, Entrepreneurship & Digital) at the Université Paris-Saclay
She supports the student entrepreneurial association "Start in Saclay", as well as the Paris-Saclay Legal Clinic. She is regularly involved as a mentor in various incubation and acceleration programmes for innovative projects within grandes écoles, business angels networks, research institutions, etc.
French, English
DaringLaw is a member of the network France Innovation